Wills & Administration
of Deceased Estates

We speacialise in the drafting of wills and the administration of deceased estates — helping you effectively plan now so that your loved ones are taken care of later. 


A Will is a document of paramount importance that provides you, the testator, with the opportunity to specify how you would like your assets to be dealt with after your passing.

Having no will or an invalid will can result in your estate being administered not according to your own wishes or in the best interest of your family but in accordance with legislation in terms of the Intestate Succession Act 81 of 1987, as amended.

It requires urgent attendance and careful thought and consideration to how your wishes are captured as this provides you with the peace of mind of knowing that your family will be taken care of once you have passed. 

Administration of deceased estates

An up-to-date and valid will is vital, and so is the effective execution of the legal terms of that will.

A poorly administered deceased estate can cause very long delays in finalizing and executing the wishes of the person who has passed on, and it can result in the family suffering financial difficulty and uncertainty about the future.

We believe that the administration of a deceased estate in accordance with the wishes of the testator and for the benefit of their heirs is a significant and important task to be carried out tactfully and efficiently.

That is why our attorneys engage personally with all clients as well as with the estate controllers and Assistant Master at the Masters Office. As such we are able to provide a professional, personal, reliable and efficient service to all our clients. 

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